Monday, October 19

A new season of life approaching . . . .

As I am busy planning Darla & Elijah's joint birthday party, which is a basketball theme, I am hit with the fact that they are turning 7 & 9! Amazing!

As I review Payton's 1st progress report of his JR year in H.S. I shake my head in disbelief that he only has a a little over a year until he is considered an adult & will be graduating from High School.

Nolan, the baby, is 5 & thriving in preschool. But in the fall 2010 - off on the school bus he goes. He will only be attending half days but full time in the Fall 2011. Fall of 2011 I will be able to return to the workforce, during our kids school hours & this is exciting! Have also looked into finishing my college degree & Alan attending college too.

These years I have been blessed to stay at home raising Alan & I's children. These years have been unforgetable, amazing, difficult at times, long, too short, & years I will never experience again. Thank you God that you have provided for our every need, allowing me to stay at home with these growing children. Thank you for Alan who has been a faithful hardworker who supports me being home with our kids.

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

Amazing how time flies, when did we become the "grown up" generation? I am both dreading and looking forward to when Corby is approaching first grade! Being home with my kids has been bittersweet, and I would never pass on the sweet to avoid the bitter.