Saturday, March 7

Payton Pursuing Permit: On Monday!

After three trips to the DMV for the study manual, and a year later. . . . a weekend at Grandpa Ricky's pays off . . . Payton had a very supportive study partner & he just reported he is 100% ready to go in for his drivers permit exam on Monday.

For those of you, like myself, who have been driving for 20 years you might laugh at trying this online practice test (only 10 questions). I passed but just by the skin of my teeth! Eeeks.

Update: Payton failed the test by 1 point . . . . so he will try again soon. He was frustrated with a question about a guy on a horse who raises his hand. He was asking me "How was I supposed to know what to do if a guy on a horse raises his hand?"


Lanelle said...

I'm so sorry to hear that he didn't pass! I got on just to check... He can do it, I know he can!

Tubo Family said...

I seem to recall taking twice to get my permit as well. The good thing is that if he ever encounters a parade (the only instance I can imagine a rider on horseback on a regular road!) he'll know what to do!

Amy said...

Thanks ladies! I am taking him Friday after school to try again.