Thursday, January 8

Life can be so taxing . . .

. . . But then there is that time of the year, when IF you're lucky, you file your taxes and instead of paying you receive a REFUND!!!!
It took me a while to locate the direct deposit schedule for those "refunds" on the IRS website but now that I did find it . . . I thought I'd share with you in case it's helpful:

This is in the situation where you are electronically filing:

Submit return 1/16-1/22 Direct Deposited: 1/30
Submit return 1/23-1/29 Direct Deposited: 2/6
Submit return 1/29-2/5 Direct Deposited: 2/13

There are later dates too . . . but if you're not in a hurry to file . . . then you probably dont care about this above schedule any-hoot! :-)

Time to start tallying those receipts . . . goodwill donations . . . . gathering all the tax statements . . . fun itemized deductions . . . oh joy!!!

And I will throw in a shameless plug: A-1 Income Tax (on Johnson Creek Blvd, just down from Fred Meyers) #777-1040. They are awesome & I started using them as our preparer 17 years ago, referred to them by my credit union. Just tell 'em Amy sent ya :-)

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

Thanks for the info, can't wait til we get those w-4's or whatever they are called. I'm a Turbo Tax gal myself--used to do by hand but the year I had to file partial Cali and partial Ore I vowed never to do that again!