Monday, July 28

Our Furry Family Members

Introducing . . . . Penny
Payton's Rhodesian Ridgeback. We adopted our beloved Penny from the Humane Society 6 years ago.
She is such a good dog. The kids can sleep outside at night on the trampoline staring up at the stars & our guard dog alerts us if even a chipmunk approaches the back yard. She is trained to do all sorts of show-offy types of things and we cant wait to move to a farm where she can really get crazy.
Love you Penny!!!

Our boy Bo, also known as Bo-Bo, & Bo-Bo's . . . .

is Elijah's Cuddle Toy. Bo is also Alan's All-Time-Favorite cat!!

And finally. . . presenting Bo's sister:

Sunshine Darla Darla (goes by Sunshine):

We adopted this brother & sister duo as babies. Elijah & Darla had been begging us for a cat for a long time. When we went to adopt ONE cat - - -- we fell in love with both and just couldnt separate the brother & sister, so thus we have two cats. That was about 4 or so years ago. Well . .. . . Elijah & Darla named their cats on their own and the cats on their own knew where they each would sleep at night. Bo, since the beginning of time, has elected to sleep with Elijah . . . . and Sunshine with Darla. So cute. If I can setup a scanner - I want to scan a couple pics from back in the day when Bo was literally larger than young Elijah. Bo is a big cat and is the biggest cuddler in the world.

So Sunshine & Bo love adventuring, hunting & playing outside most of the day & eve. They usually sleep inside at night. They are quite spoiled actually. Sunshine scratches at the window when she wants in or out. Bo just mozies up to the door & waits - if you take too long he will approach you & lovingly "poke" you with a claw to let ya know.

So there you have it - - - - our furry family members.

NOTE: We are strong advocates for pets to get spayed & neutered. Often times I he ar people say things like "We just cant afford the vet bill to get them fixed", , , , all while their pets keep reproducing thus becoming more & more expensive to feed & care for them. Here is an awesome resource for people who could use assistance paying for the spay/neuter of their pet (POPPA Pet Over-Population Prevention Advocates)

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

Hmmm, so when is Nolan going to figure out that he is the only kid without a pet to his name?