Thursday, July 10

Crombie Campout 2008

This year's campout wasnt at a campground up here on the Mtn or up the Clackamas, but was held the Fourth of July Weekend at "The Farm", which is also known as Alan's childhood home, and now owned by Alan's oldest nephew & his adorable family. Pretty good turnout, has been better in years past, but the planning was pretty casual this year.

One of our nieces & her family suprised the group & brought a huge inflatable "bounce house" for the kids & adults to enjoy. Alan & I brought the karaoke, of course. There were BBQ's, a firepit, a blend of motor homes & tents way out in the back field. . . . . and lots of hot dogs & smores were eaten.

Darla & her papa singing their "signature song" . . . . SWEET HOME ALABAMA. This duo has been performing this hit since Darla was just a wee babe, only back then she called it "Sweet Home Bamma Bamma".

Payton & his cousin Thomas lovingly fighting. What campout is complete without a foam sword fight thingy?

Gentleman Nolan helping out his 2nd cousin Emma Renee.

The Estacada Fireworks were so nice, and we got to enjoy the ooohs & ahhhs from several of the younest Crombie's watching them for the 1st time. A family tradition since I was a child is & has always been - as each firework is exploding it rotates . . . . "Ok, next one is Papa's" . . . then the next oldest, which would be me, then "ok the next ones are Payton, etc.,. . . . . Well it is pretty cool because every now & then one of us get a dud or a big show on our turn. The ultimate objective is to see "who gets the grand finale" . . . . the final big explosion of grand fireworks at the end. This year, papa/Alan won for the 1st time. It was pretty cool.

This year I realized - it's official - every year one of the kids spill a sticky soda on the blanket just before we are packing up to walk back to the car. . . . . otherwise the blanket wouldnt have needed a washing for a while . . . at least a picnic or so later. Uggh
Well Happy Fourth To You And Yours, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures and sounds like a fun 4th of July weekend, Amy! However- you are as bad as I am- always BEHIND the camera- where is a pic of you with your kiddos?!!
love from your cousin-

jenaisa said...

Sounds like a great time!

Tubo Family said...

Oops, that was my sister's log in not mine (she & nephew are visiting for 10 days, yay!)
love, Ali