Sunday, May 11

Nolan's Night At BIG BOY School

Our school offers a program called "Lil' Steps" once every 3 months for local preschool aged children to be able to sample / get their feet wet in the school / classroom environment. They get a book to keep and a ton of other fun & educational projects to bring home. All of our kids have always loved school and it has been refreshing to see that Nolan is seeming to follow suit as well.
This night time program is a special time for Papa (Alan) to take the boys . . . since he is rarely able to join us for regular daytime school hour programs. The last "Lil' Steps" of the year was a couple nights ago . . . . Elijah had to stay home with me with a rotten cough . . . so it was just Papa & Nolan. Nolan had a wonderful time & brought home to his brother his copy of the school work. Nolan loves to call his stack of papers "homework", and loves stuffing them inside his Dr. Seuss backpack (christmas gift from Uncle Cory & Trina). So next year Elijah, who will be 6 in November, begins Kindergarden and Nolan (4 in August) will start attending the same Christian Preschool his older siblings attended. So two days a week - three hours a day I will be 100% kid-less for the 1st time in 6 years (since becoming a FT stay at home mama). Amazing! But I am such a dork - I plan to spend most of that time getting to volunteer in my kids' classrooms. It will still be a treat for me.All the kids are out of school June 10th this year. Cannot believe Summer Vacation is sneaking upon us. Sooooooooo excited!!!!

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