Tuesday, April 15

Sweet Sounds of Home

If our whole family isnt rocking out to karaoke - you are sure to hear more than one child on a self-taught instrument. Payton's new career interest is becoming a DJ. His interests have always varied. This oldest son 'o mine has tried just about everything under the sun. Let's see if I can remember it all - basketball since very young age, soccer, baseball, choir, band, student council, journalism, snowboarding, weight lifting, every technical gadget under the sun, lots of christian concerts & events, outdoor school, camp, . . . . . and what is new on the horizon for Payton James? Drivers Ed, his 1st PT job, attending his long time friend Katrina's upcoming figure skating competitions, and tennis!

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

Nice tie-in between the headline and picture and update on Payton. I was just wondering if he ventured into the workforce yet as I recall you working on the berry machine around his age.