Haystack Rock . . . it was gorgeous sunny & hot (little windy). The clouds arrived shortly after we did....but really didnt affect anything.
We have arrived!! Super low maintenance packing for this day trip. Each kid brought one toy. Elijah brought a lightweight bouncy ball. Nolan chose a wooden truck to haul sand in. Darla grabbed a giant empty ice cream bucket to build castles with & collect all their beachcombing finds in. 
NOTE: We determined day trips to beach are way less work to prepare for then spontaneous camping up on the Mtn. More beach trips are in our very near future!
And they are off! Running straight to the ocean w/ mama & papa joining them.
Above shows the kids digging to find the water that lies beneath the sand that Papa told them about. They never found it - neither did Papa. It was actually hilarious because this other family down a little ways from us dug a hole so deep the dad could stand in it & it was up to his waist. The kids thought for sure they wouldve found water - - - -we peeked & NOPE! Our kids gave up at that point. haha

We only forgot: sunglasses. . . . I got a headache from squinting all day and Nolan forgot a sweatshirt.
The ocean was not too cold at all. It was actually refreshing. Not the normal numb legs etc.,
Nolan was annoyed that when he dug out an area for a moat around his castle & poured water into it . . . that the water would just dissapear soaked into the sand. He then turned almost all his interest into the SEAGULLS! He was fascinated with them & was determined to catch one.
Here below is our honey of a girl enjoying a moment alone with her loving papa . . . Sunset getting closer.
Nolan in one of Darla's shirts since he got his 2 shirts soaking wet. . . peaceful play. Elijah squinting like mama from the windy sand blowing about & the sun shining from the Horizon. We decided to enjoy the southern end of Seaside for the sunset.
$40 in gas rountrip, which included a ton of extra sight-seeing, new homestead dreaming in Mist, OR area . . . and our long daytrip to the beach was AWESOME!!!!
Payton had to work, unfortunately, but Alan, the 3 youngest & I played all day & night. We drove back after we watched the sunset.
What a wonderful day. Interesting that you found this less work than a camping trip...I have been thinking the same thing. Might just save camping for when we can go 3-5 nights.
Amy, I've been loving all the pictures. This beach trip looks like it turned out wonderfully! I love the beach and you may have just inspired a day trip before summers end. I LOVE the pic of Darla and Papa in the distance.
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