Tuesday, June 30

YES!!!! New Camera On Its Way...

Well new to us that is . . . . thank you Pa & Kris.
So maybe I can go back to blogging again, once we
have the camera.

Lots has been going on . . .

Most significantly is 26 year old Kayla went Home
to be with the Lord after a 5 week fight against cancer.
There is a big benefit auction dinner being held at the
Mt Hood Village on July 18th. This will help with medical
expenses & be a great time for fellowship as we all
remember Kayla. More details to follow later. PLEASE

Payton has been enjoying his job at Dairy Queen and has
been working a lot. He is looking forward to his 1st paycheck
on July 10th. He plans to put this towards his savings for
his 1st car.

Annual Crombie Campout is this 4th of July weekend out
at the farm (Alan's childhood home in Eagle Creek).

Darla will be leaving on Sunday July 5th returning Friday
July 10th from Camp - compliments of one of her best friends
Grandma who always treats her grandchildren + 1 of their
friends each year to Christian Summer Camp. What a blessing!
The girls will enjoy horseback riding & lots of fun. Please pray
for their safety.

Elijah has been busy watching lots of different basketball
documentaries & learning lots of new skills like Magic Johnson's
famouse behind the head pass, etc., The boys got their library
cards today & Elijah checked out a book on basketball skills.

Nolan Ricky still probably loves riding his bike more than
anything. We were sooooo super proud of him this last week
because he was a big boy & stayed w/ his siblings at Vacation
Bible School (2 hrs ea. eve WITHOUT parents). This was a
huge accomplishment for our "Shy Boy" . . . who when we
would show up to pick him up was doing head stands & break
dancing during worship singing/dancing time. He cracks us up.

We need to take Payton driving more - he is eager to get
in all his hours.

I am going to start the Medifast diet again & have a new
partner/coach. She is a sweetie & has agreed to weigh me
once a week for accountability. Pray for my ability in making
this a priority.

The EHS 90 Reunion website is working quite well - lots
of feedback from alumni & continue to locate more & more
"lost" friends each day.

Alan is going to the beach tomorrow (Seaside) with his
siblings & some of the grandkids to scatter his mom's ashes
& have a memorial on her birthday July 1st. I cant join them
as I have to take Payton to & from work.

Busy summer days - not looking forward to Alan's 10%
paycut . . . . but grateful he still has a job when so many in
this economy do not.

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

yay for the camera, i miss your pics