Tuesday, November 4

You Win Some You Lose Some

Well, obviously our home supported primarily Republican Candidates and well uhhhh they didnt fair that well this evening . . .
HOWEVER I thought John McCain's concession speech was full of class & grace. I respect him and thank him for his life of service to this country. I now will shift focus on supporting President Elect Obama. I have a lot of differing views - mainly morality-based ones but I realize just because he has been elected doesnt mean I cant continue to do my part to try & influence positive change.

With God all things are possible. ~ Matthew 19:26

In all ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. ~ Proverbs 3:6

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

You have a classy attitude too Amy. For me it is a relief campaign season is over--I get so sick of the candidate-bashing that many citizens and journalists love to do. I am proud that both McCain and Obama showed good conduct during the campaign.