Monday, November 17

To Granny & Grandpa Garber

Since the kids just received new bedding sets this year . . . . we were able to exchange the super nice bedding gift sets my mom & Lynn sent up from CA and the kids were able to get some things they needed & wanted. Darla received a gorgeous 4 in 1 coat, and matching pet/purse.

Nolan & Elijah each received super cozy plush fluffy chair-like pillows for on their bunk beds. Elijah received his very own digital camera with tons of capabilities, and Nolan received ultra cool walkie talkies, complete with voice changing technology.

These 3 younger ones have been sharing the walkie talkies & camera amongst themselves. There are days when I sit in amazement at how thoughtful these lil' ones can be, but then there are the other days where I cry out loud at my obvious failure in training them up right. No perfect strategy but stay optimistic & stay the course, right?!

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