Tuesday, October 21

You CAN Make A Difference

Oregon Republican Party Headquarters in Oregon City can use your help these remaining 14 days of the election campaign. Location: 275 Beavercreek Rd.Suite 108A Oregon City, OR

Volunteer Coordinator, Erin, can be reached at 503-752-9392 if you have questions, otherwise just show up! The office is open 7 days a week 9am-9pm. Free campaign yard signs are available for pickup as well.

McCain Palin Campaign can use your help:

1. Phone calls reminding voters to turn in ballots
2. Walking designated neighborhoods leaving literature on door step
3. Kids VERY welcome - sorting pamphlets & other busy work to do

* * * * *
Please keep in mind we have friends/family (all whom we love) of all sorts of political affiliations. Please dont be offended by our support of the Republican Party. Bottom line we all have the freedom to choose. . . . my only concern is when people dont choose by failing to vote. These people then gripe, critique & complain about the "direction the country/state is heading . . . " but what room do they have to bark if they didnt make their vote count?! Please please please make your vote count - whomever you are voting for this year - we all need to do our part & fill out our ballot & turn them in! Love to you all, Amy

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

Right on Amy! My political choices are different but I'm with you all the way on "get out & vote." My biggest pet peeve about politics: those who say only why they are against a candidate, not why they are for someone.