The Eye DR. says Darla has healthy eyeballs. One is a bit far sighted & the other a bit near sighted .. . . but the great news? With her pretty lil' glasses she has 20/20 vision like her mama.
Uhhh Mom . . . you didnt warn me of the sticky honey like eye drops!!!
Short Story: At the exam it was a bit hilarious because I had forewarned her they were going to give her eye drops to dialate her eyes. I think she even asked me if they were going to give her shots or anything painful. Well I tried easing her worries by describing the eyedrops as painless like tears in her eyes. Well I had no idea that there were going to be NUMEROUS types of drops applied to her eyeballs. She kept looking at me like "Uhhh Mom!?!" Then the last drops, the DR says "Ok Darla these drops are kindof sticky like honey" and hurries & drops them in. I wish I had my camera ready for THAT reaction. But the pic above is after ALL the drops are applied & she is waiting for her eyes to complete dialating, etc., She keeps telling me "Wow everything is blurry". I kept sticking my tongue out - & asking her how many fingers I was holding up. . . anything to get the girl to giggle. "Mom, I can see you sticking your tongue out - they are not THAT blurry." When the DR came back in I said to the DR- "Ok so DR. now you just pour the small bucket of water on her eyes, right?" Darla's head jerked violently toward the DR only to see her nod "no, no, no". Hey, I giggled. End of short story.
Here is a pic of her trying on the frames she picked out.

Darla is so excited about her glasses. . . . the DR had said they may arrive today for her to come for her final fitting & get to take them home!!! BUT they hadn't arrived - she was bummed. Fingers are crossed for tomorrow.
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