Friday, February 26

D is for Drama

A lot of people dont believe me but type the word "Darla" in a microsoft document, use spell check, and it suggests "Do you mean DRAMA?"

Well here is our Miss Drama, I mean, Darla at 4 years old. She was in preschool at the time and she was very upset & disgusted! The story goes like this:

Darla: "MOM! I cant believe it! This boy at school...MOM! This boy touched me..."
Mama: "What? A boy touched you at school?"
Darla: "Yes MOM! He touched me. (pause, upset swallow, roll of eyeballs) Yes he touched me!"
Mama: "Where did he touch you Darla?" Darla: "Mom he touched....he touched my ... (Im fearing the worst here)... he touched MY SHOE!" (She said with so much disgust like - the nerve!)
I laughed so hard and still dont know how I was being able to photograph this as she is telling the story.


Anonymous said...

Oh my I loooooove it!

Aunt Connie said...

What a hoot! The 3rd pic of her looks like Bella. How adorable.