Monday, February 1

Annual Darla ~ Grandma Vickie Weekend

1. Overnight bag packed
2. Darla's puppy Holiday packed
3. Got to meet lots of people at Grandma's Work
4. Enjoyed good conversation with Grandma
5. Was treated to her FAV restaurant Olive Garden
6. Loved playing with Grandma & Grandpa's dog Kacey
7. Enjoyed watching Holiday & Kacey interact, or lack thereof
8. Took Kacey to vet for trim & shots 9. Yummy cherry milkshake
10.Did more fun sewing with Grandma
11.Another amazing homemade breakfast by Grandpa
12.Lots of hugs & laughing
13.Annoying cough, but Grandma babied her
14.The annual manicure at the spa with Grandma "pretty red with petite white flowers adorned with diamonds"
(matches her daddy daughter dance dress for next weekend)
15.Darla didnt have to sit on Grandma's lap while driving the golf cart this time. She was quite proud of this & how she managed corners even!
16.Blessed big time with lots of loving Grandparents!

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

How awesome! That is the kind of family time I fantasized about as a kid...