Saturday, October 10

We own painting clothes now!

What do you get when you send 3 kids with their papa overseeing, with a big bucket of paint, 4 paint brushes, & a park bench needing painting?

A wardrobe of paint clothes
a painted bench.

Ooops mama! Shouldve warned them to not wear the sentimental t-shirt with her classmates signatures & only pair of leggings that match her 2 babydoll style dresses. Ooops.

Mr Elijah was wise & on his own took of his school shoes & opted to go barefoot. Ahh well. Even Papa ruined a new basketball shirt. My fault for not reminding them all. But like I said, at least we know they have an official paint wardrobe for tomorrow when they paint a trellis.
And here is what I will be tackling tomorrow after church:

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