Friday, October 16

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Waking the kids. . . Darla doesnt want to wear a "real coat", discovered Elijah has outgrown his only boots so got passed down to Nolan, Payton is out of razors, Nolan doesnt like raisin bran anymore, and I have dandruff (what the?!) ! Grrreat! Hit the shower .....and we're off to the pumpkin patch.
Arrive on time (was meeting Nolan's preschool) in Boring at Liepold Farms. In years past the place was a muddy mess & super crowded. Not this year! Gray smokey skies but the rain held off until the kids were stuck in the middle of a huge corn maze....and even then it was just an annoying drizzle.
Nolan hardly holding still at this excursion . . . . Mr Social kept bellowing Hi to all his friends & always suggesting the next activity we were to embark on. It was Nolan's field trip & we all knew it.
"Wonder if mom realizes we are squinting & almost frowning here? Ahh well. Let her get her scrapbook moment so we can hurry & go find the Great Pumpkin!"
The hunt & find. Elijah would find his pumpkin carry it across the field & put it in our wheelbarrow . . . . only to trade it with a better one four separate times. I think Nolan ended up picking one of Elijah's discards.
Payton & Elijah working together to find one for Papa (below).
Mission accomplished!
Nolan (always moving) blurry faced below while the kids feel corny posing in the corn!
Hay Ride time!


Tubo Family said...

What a fun family outing!
Sean's class is doing a pumpkin patch trip but it's not until the 29th AND younger siblings aren't allowed so not sure if we will do a family one separately--might just do grocery store pumpkins this year.

Amy said...

Ive heard that Grocery Outlets are selling all their pumpkins for $1.