Monday, June 8

"I'm A Little Bit Shy"

Half way thru the basketball season Elijah's coach asked Nolan if he would like to join the team. To our suprise Nolan said yes. Nolan worked very hard during practice, and did play in a couple (i think 3) games for a matter of a couple minutes, maybe seconds. He said he was too shy to guard anyone. Yet when he was on defense he was stuck to them like glue. He would get so consumed by it - he would still be defending when on offense as well. He was one of the teams best dribblers even. His big brother was good to him & would pass him the ball. We are very proud of our Nolan Ricky. He is a fast runner and was swimming in the oversized orange volleyball shirt (the only orange uniform shirt still available). . . . but he wore it with pride. Way to go Nolan! Will be interesting to see if he asks to play next year.
Nolan received his 1st trophey this weekend after they played their last game. He slept with it, and keeps showing it to anyone who will look at it. Photos to follow soon (our camera broke).

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