Tuesday, April 14

2 Versions of "Slop"

Growing up "slop" was the big bowl of table scraps, cantelope innerds, potato peels, & apple cores to be taken out to the compost at the back of the garden. I remember it wasn't one of the popular chores because it smelled out at the compost.

Now flash forward to life now . . . . the family is in the car headed to Eli's basketball game...
Darla: "Mom!! Elijah just ate a piece of old food!"
Mom: "What?"
Darla: "He had a piece of old food in his pants pocket & he just ate it."

After probing Elijah for the details . . .
Elijah: "My teacher gave us slop for snack, and I put some in my pocket."
Mom: "What?! Slop?"
Elijah: "Yes, I love slop! Its really good. Its like pretzels, and uhhhh cookies . . . and raisins"

I describe what the word "slop" has always meant to me (the compost).
Well I thought it was the end of the "slop story"..... but no the next day it comes up again.
Elijah: "Mom do you think someone could watch Nolan, so you can come to my school again with me?"
Mom: "That would be nice. I will check with Grandpa."
Elijah: "Cool! Then you could see how my teacher makes slop!!!"

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