Monday, December 8

His eyes-how they twinkle! His dimples how merry...

Twas the night before Grandparents Day & All Thru The House
Lots of creatures were stirring, but thankfully not a mouse.

School backpacks were hung by the front door with care
In hopes that Grandpa Bob would soon be there

Darla & Elijah were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of Grandpa's Peanut Butter Fudge danced in their heads

Mama busy in the laundry room, Papa in bed snoring
Hurry to sleep for it soon will be morning

When over on the end table arose such a clatter,
I sprang to the alarm clock & knew what was the matter

Away down the stairs I flew like a flash
Woke up the kids, drew their hot baths

The slow steaming smell of warm oatmeal declared
It was time to eat for he would soon be here

The kids were all dressed & ready for school,
when what do my caffinated eyes should appear

But a handsome extended cab truck
and a Grandpa Bob missing a mustache I fear

With a tall old driver so lively & awesome
It was Grandpa Bob - we knew he would come

More rapid than Casey his coursers they came
He giggled & took them - called them by name

Now Darla - Now Elijah off we must go
To Grandparents Day at your school ya know

Into the truck, down the driveway they went
Mama in her slippers becoming quite bent

For silly mama forgot to take photos of the trio
Had the camera in hand but forgot to use - forgetful me-o

The kids were so proud to have their Grandpa at their side
as they walked their school halls, even took him outside

They shared a nice breakfast and a ton of great laughs
Darla's favorite was interviewing him inside her class

Of course Grandpa Bob endulged them at the Book Fair
& they even remembered young Nolan, who wasnt there

Grandpa Bob came quite a distance to be there for the kids
He never ceases to amaze us - his love & unending kindness!

Happy Grandparents Day To All & To All A Goodnight

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

What a fun verse and how lucky all four kids are to have their Grandpa Bob & Grandma Vicky. We should all be so lucky to have grandparents like them.