Monday, December 1

Consider checking this out

I finally caved in & signed up after numerous family & friends kept urging me to. . . . and it has been a lot of fun reconnecting with a lot of people. Warning: the initial setup in terms of tracking down long lost friends etc., is a bit time consuming tho. So make sure you can afford to neglect your home, kids, & life for a while. Hee hee.

1 comment:

Tracy Traum said...

Amy~ I have browsed your blog from time to time, but have a renewed interest since I am thinking of starting one. Most of our friends and family are far away, and with the addition of Miller I am no longer as great about lengthy emails as I once was.
I just got a giggle about your facebook and I joined around the same time... and all the adventures we have had on there (and in life because of there!) since then!!


Tracy (Hobbs) Traum