Tuesday, September 16

Life Throws Us Lots Of Changes: But God Is Constant

This posting is really more of a reminder to myself, the master worry wart, and supposed to be a dose of encouragement to those of you who can relate . . . .
In times where family & loved ones have found themselves laid-off for the 1st time ever, and some may be contemplating losing their homes . . . we have tried super hard not to complain as much as normal. Praise God Alan does still have a job and we are able to make the mortgage BUT . . . we know in an instant that could all change. Just this past week at his work they have reduced all the staff to 4 day work weeks to save gas and expenses. I am trying to find ways to supplement our income. And of course the good ol' car out of the blue decides to throw us some issues, the lawnmower stopped working, and there are other adventures just awaiting us around the corner for sure. Alan and I are strong in our faith that God WILL provide, and we are just trying to be good stewards of that which He does provide us.

For those out there who also find these bad economic times challenging . . . we are praying for you as well. And I mean that. I keep a prayer journal - I always have been a list maker - and I faithfully pray for you.


Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

That's one of my favorite verses! Thanks for linking me on your blog. How do you do that? I always have problems there. You've grown into a beautiful, strong, loving woman.


Tubo Family said...

Amy, you are such a great and inspiring writer! Sorry to hear of the new challenges and "what if's" on your plate. Though I know your faith will grow through it all I think it is kind of like childbirth--great result but HARD to go through. Love you sweetie, Ali