Sunday, September 21

Heart-Made errr Hand-Made Gifts

Ok for those who know me - know if you receive a store bought card from me in the mail, as opposed to some one of a kind hand made diddy somethings wrong. Amy must be seriously sick or something.

Well I have been broadening my horizons lately . . . really trying to avoid store bought gifts as well. Well unfortunately male children really arent into knit or crocheted creations, which has led me to dig out the sewing machine. For 2 year old Joshie he received this teddy bear - made of a brown corduroy remnant & left over periwinkle ribbon from my wedding as a bow around his neck. I am not in the habit of photographing my creations but someone snapped this partial pic at our friends bday party. . . . . I suspect Darla had the camera. The poor bears ears are cut off in the photo but I thought I'd share anyways.

I love this awkward ol' bear. . . I drew out a pattern on white freezer paper - cut my pattern out, pinned onto the fabric, cut, sewed, turned right side out & stuffed. Although the pattern appeared proportionate - both arms relatively same size, etc., . . . once he was stitched & stuffed he revealed his unique shape & I can guarantee there is no bear out there just like him & his awkwardness. :-)

This is meant to inspire - inspire us all to consider creating a gift instead of tossing down a 10 or 20 at Freddy's for the next cool action figure. Of course my boys love the action figures too . . . . but how many of us hold onto those rare handmade treasures later in life? I know I do.

I still have that cool ear ring holder the Linns girls whom I babysat as a young teen made me using a wooden embroidery hoop, some mesh & lace fabric & a ruffled floral border . . . I love it. I still have homemade potpourri in a small gray blue tin bucket Taira made me . . . . I just know there have to be others out there who love & cherish items like these. My kids have always known handmade gifts are my favorite to give & receive.

1 comment:

Tubo Family said...

Sweet bear. I enjoy making presents when I can find a good deal on the makings, otherwise it bugs me to spend $20 for materials to make something that costs $15-20 in the stores.