Friday, August 1

Our Eldest Has Returned!!!

Boy we missed our Payton James!!! He had such a wonderful time with his paternal grandparents - always does. We are so super blessed to have Bob & Vickie in our lives. Truly blessed!

Grandpa Bob took Payton on one of the days to tour his old stomping grounds - where he grew up in Yacolt WA. Lots of fine stories were shared and even got to see where his great great grandparents once lived.

Payton also attended a family reunion where he got to hang out with his Great grandparents - which I really really am hoping someone took a picture for me of Payton with his Grandpa Bob, and his dad Great Grandpa John . . . . they are all the spitting image of eachother. Sooooo adorable!

Of course another favorite for Payton, when visiting his paternal grandfolks is the peace & quiet in their home. Towards the end of his 11 day stay there Payton actually admitted to missing the sounds of home. (Polite way of saying NOISE).

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