Saturday, August 16

Californian Crombies : Chapter 1 : NOLAN

Only 12 miles into the trip . . . . .
Nolan asks in a slightly impatient tone: "Are we almost there yet?"

Mama's thought process is:
No, BUT 638 miles - 12 miles = Only 626 miles more to go son. This should be interesting.


Nolan caught this toad in Granny Garber's "meadow" of a lawn one evening. Big brother Elijah was on the hunt for this toad as well, but Nolan is the one who successfully caught. Nolan returned "his buddy" to his world of green grass after admiring him for a while. He called the toad "hey lil' buddy".

Nolan had his friend Sean, from Sacramento, over for a visit at his grandparents. The boys enjoyed swimming, snacking, an indoor football toss, and even cleaning.

Nolan loves helping Grandpa Garber with all sorts of things . . . BBQ'ing in the outdoor kitchen & refilling hummingbird feeders (spilling several bright red blotches on his white shirt). Years back Grandpa would call Nolan "Number 56" or whatever number is on Nolan's t-shirt. Well, never without fail Nolan does wear a shirt with a number on it. This trip he was "Number 95". This is not intentional, it just so happens to always happen. So cute!

Of course the highlight of the excursion was meeting our new family. . . .Lena's husband Brian (incredible God loving man) & son Louis. We also fell in love with Kally & Todd's beautiful son Drevin (shown below at 3.5 mos)

We are back home now but do already miss all our family down South. It is sad to think it may be another year before we see lil' Drevin again. . . . but we are determined to find creative ways so this lil' honey knows how much we do love him - even from all the way up in Oregon. Love you Granny & Grandpa Garber, Lena, Brian, Louis, Lennon, Todd, Kally, Drevin & all Lynn's kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy~I was bummed we weren't able to get together while you were down. I hope everyone is feeling better.