Wednesday, May 21

Roslyn Mud Bowl - Bye bye Lake

We drove around to the backside of Roslyn Lake to the bank where we have enjoyed watching Sandy's 4th of July fireworks all to ourselves shoot up over the trees - the bright colors reflecting & dancing on the lake waters. No fireworks today. No geese. No ducks. No boaters.

No water.

A couple of 4 wheelin' rigs and a motorcycle out in the center of the once filled lake.

The kids enjoyed the free "Monster Truck Show" but were all bummed to see the lake gone.

Alan grabbed a pretty rock from the lake's bottom for our family to keep in a garden. We call it our Roslyn Rock.

We had not expected the lake to stink but it did. We all theorized what we thought was making it smell - the old duck doo? Decaying fish beneath the sand? Or?? Then Alan found them . . . . TONS of dead crawdads all around the perimeter of the lake. The kids were curious what they looked like - so Alan showed them one. Nolan's face says it all here. Sad. Smelly. I think it's cute how "baby" Nolan was protecting big brother Elijah by holding his arm back.

We jokingly asked the kids, once they were buckled in their seats if they wanted to go 4 wheelin' thru the lake. I applied a little metal to the pedal for effect. Darla & Elijah screamed NOOOOO! But Nolan? YES!!!!


Tubo Family said...

What's the deal with Roslyn Lake? I'm not familiar with the situation.

Johnson Family said...

Wow, it's such a change, I will have to drive by next time we go visit my mom or dad. Nothing like a little impromptu science lesson with the dead crustaceans! Maybe I'll wait until they are less stinky before heading up to take a look.