Friday, April 4

Easter 2008

Festivities began the night before Easter . . . . the 3 younger kids & I stayed up till almost midnight coloring 36 eggs wild colors & patterns. FUN! Early Easter morning the kids woke to find the good ol' easter bunny hid their prized eggs outside & left their 4 baskets filled w/ goodies on the dining room table. After enjoying some treats & a new toy in their baskets, they ate breakfast, and headed outdoors. Payton was photographer with his digital camera. He is such a great big brother. After the egg hunt - got ready for church. Attended a great service at church - grabbed lunch- and then spent the afternoon out at Grandpa & Grandma Gaskell's. It was great time. . . . then we cruised down the road to the inlaws gathering. Wonderful time together!!!!!

Darla a bit squeemish about grabbing the egg out of a soggy pile of fire logs.
Nolan was thrilled to have his big brother Payton leading the way during the egg hunt.
Elijah Alan happy as always.

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